You Don’t Invest in “Real Estate”
You invest in “Niches”
Choose a Niche
Investing in homes that are designed for one household only.
Investing in structures designed for more than one household to live in.
Mobile Home Park
Investing in land that accommodates mobile homes to be parked on it.
RV Park
Investing in land that accommodates recreational vehicles to be parked on it.
Self Storage
Investing in structures that are divided into units for the intention of customer storage.
Investing in structures designed for employees to work.
Assisted Living Nursing Home
Investing in structures designed to house those that need regular assistance, predominantly seniors.
Investing in advertising signs along roads and highways.
Investing in structures designed for commercial trade and retail sales.
Investing in structures used for manufacturing or warehousing.
Investing in slips and docks for boat storage and commerce.
Investing in the overnight accommodation of travelers.

“Selecting the Right Niche
is the Most Important
Part of Real Estate Investing”
OUR MISSION has been your trusted source of truthful information for over two decades. You don’t invest in “real estate”, you invest in “niches” and CREOnline is your source to help you make that correct decision and to connect you with the tools, tips, resources, education and training to make your investment a success.
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